There are good writers and there are very good writers. But, Archer manages to surprise you by bettering them all. The book "A Prisoner of Birth" was perhaps the 16th book I read over the summer, but it was the only book that compelled me to write something about it.
To begin with I am now a sound believer that Archer's genius and the overawing finesse in his writing are something that I find unparalleled in many of his generation of writers. The plot which is a basic murder - legal - thriller tangle has been so orchestrated, that I found unable to put down the book even for a minute.
Archer's characteristic flamboyant pace and his expressive way of using words with unassuming ingenuity and a well - constructed climax has once again made me an ardent fan of his works. True, I had been more than a little disappointed with Cat 'O Nine Tales but this novel has surely redeemed Jeffrey Archer .
What to say of the man. While he remains till date one of the most well read writers of all time, He remains one of the most controversial person ever to be in the British Parliament. He has spent some time "inside" as I would like to say. But still he was awarded the title of "Baron" in 1992. This led a friend of mine who lives in the UK to remark on the intellectual honesty of the British people. She said to me "Look, this bugger was sent to the pen once. But , seeing his contribution to the field of Literature he was given this title...." . I replied " So what's so great about that?". She replied exasperatedly "Don't you see the good side of it...? The man spent some years in jail and yet he became a Baron... Isn't that remarkable? ". I could only say " In our country a person with a criminal record can become a minister, make laws, perform executive responsibilities and even become the President!!! So what's so great about our dear ol' Jeffrey....?"
She had no answer.