1.A socially inept person.
2.A single minded being dedicated to only one activity in life.
Every occurrence here belongs to the second category. That is persons dedicated to the sole act of studying and studying and studying and then...studying a bit more. These nerds affectionately called "maggus" here are a so called intelligentsia who prefers to devote their profound intellect to something as mundane as ... well ... you know.
And the worst part... they are proud of it.
I never say that Don't Study... I say... please do not become a socially inept person. A person who is so devoid of emotions when his ... you know... comes under purview ....and/or threat. A person who may just show you the door if you interfere when they are doing ...you know what. A person who may just giggle at your face when you try to ask some doubts just because he has already done it and thinks that s/he is superior now. A person who gets irritated just because you said ... "ooh ....this exam's gonna hurt". A person who is a full blown nerd.
This led me to categorize the people around us.
1. THE NERD ( The properties discussed above are applicable).
2. THE BENEVOLENT (These have some NERD properties but they help you out and never get irritated).
3. THE BONEHEAD (These don't know a thing, can't help you and never study).
4. THE PURE NON NERD (These study just when the time come).
There is a very subtle line of difference. The PURE NON NERD is not unintelligent...It's just that they don't like to exert it much.The PURE NON NERD depends on the BENEVOLENT most of the time as they share a symbiotic bond. The NERD and BONEHEAD have individualistic existence. Whereas the NERD has a territory defense mechanism; the BONEHEAD has a savage barbaristic appeal that defies all sense of understanding.
I was talking to a freind of mine (definitely PURE) Shrey when we suddenly had this idea to frame the rules of PURITY.
so here they are.
1. Thou shalt not mug.
2.Thou shalt not stepeth into the F 127th to study.
3.Thou shalt not study till the sems are a week awayeth.
4.Thou shalt not discuss the paper after coming out.
5.Thou shalt condemn the act of mugging widely, truly and as vehemently as you can at whatever time of the day.
This led to a discussion with my friend Palkush and we both agreed that there were very less PURE people... There are a LOT of NERDS and BONEHEADS and there is a fair amount of BENEVOLENT too ....but the PURE guys....are too rare. For eg. Excluding me and him only Shrey and my roomie Rohit manage to fit this bill.
My search is on.......
If there is someone who think they are PURE... think again... the Laws are too harsh.