Another One...
You know one thing I have found particularly inherent in Robotix. It's the personalised, humane and emotional touch. I don't know if others feel this way but I have somehow found myself enmeshed in it. I have lots of emotion associated with the fest, the Team and the work we do.
Last year I remember coming out of the Vikramshila complex at 3 am and walking together... I felt the same way as I had left last year... only difference was that this time I was confused too and yes... I missed Sassy a lot. '09 was not much different from '08 it was just that we were sort of more busy and involved and had important work to do. Looking back I can say the total work we did in first year was negligible as compared to the work we did in second year. And last year when I thought maybe...maybe it was we who had not worked hard enough; that was right. Last year we really did screw-up big time.
This time I can say for us sub-heads is that we gave our 200% ( well not Aditi and Rasna , because they gave 300%), we tried our level best, this time the feeling that it is OUR fest , OUR event was very pronounced. As far as the Heads are concerned, I feel that no words can describe how hard they worked in conceptualizing and executing,how hard they worked in conducting, how hard they worked and kept on working. I mean...it's really amazing you know... Last year we were full in awe of our heads and we thought no one can better them... but then '09 happened and it happened spectacularly.
I mean...it's exactly as Saurya said; it's damn scary... it's too damn chilling thought that we have to do the same next year...if we do not perform as well as they did... I cross the thoughts from my mind for now.
If for the heads I have nothing but admiration, it's amazement for the co-ordis. Where the hell can you find on this whole campus a bunch of 4th-5th years who can work more than you in full tempo and although they have worked so so hard themselves they don't hesitate to do the things they did as sub-heads or even members. Bhaddoo, KT, Guru ,Akash, Ritwik,Apurv,Prerit, Depc and Anshuman ...hats off to you guys... I do not have words to tell you that... that ... I said it......... I do not have words.
For the heads too... Sneha and Gaurav, amazing the way they handled a chaos event like 12DD...Ankur and Sanjiban for their intellectual and technical thoroughness... Rohit and Sanhita in mEsh... another one for Rohit for the amazing arena.... Aditya for single handedly managing 300+ teams... and last but far away from the least.... I want to thank Swapnil for the bike he gave me...it was a dream come true really....another thanks for helping me out whenever I was stuck...It's really amazing how MANY contacts he has... again heads....no words.
For my fellow sub-heads, NV for his contribution in the various areas of the Robotix arena particularly at the help desk, Utsav ....man you rocked wEDGED, Saurya ....I never strayed towards the 8 Mile arena...but the fact you never strayed towards the Robotix arena speaks volumes about your dedication there... Amal ....Last year TR this year 12DD....chaos and you should tie the knot....Palkush...no words again.... I have been full in admiration for this guy since class 10... Rasna... again no words... you are seriously the most amazing person I have ever met.... and finally Aditi... she used to say " KGP mein sab gods hain" ... I never realized she was saying that for herself.... truly godlike!!!
Lastly the members.... I would like to formally thank them...they all worked very hard... In particular I would like to mention Pratyush, Kirti and Rahul because these guys ran whenever anyone made them.
In the end I would just say... Don't ask what Robotix can do... on the other hand concentrate on what you can do for Robotix.
Cheers and lots of Love