What is your deepest fear?
Most of the people fear death. Death; because it is the Ultimate Unknown. No - one has ever come back and told us " Hey folks. It ain't so bad. " . That is because no one has come back.
Why people fear death has always been beyond me. If in a mathematical equation one doesn't know a variable you just give it a value x and move on. Assuming of course, in course of time we will get to know what x is. Why cannot we treat our lives to be more like an unsolved equation with many variables. We will have to ignore a few to get to know others. We will have to ignore some, guess some, assume some and
outrightly reject some. In this equation put Death as x and move on.
What is then the biggest cause of fear?
Fear of failure: Some say it is the most profound fear present in most people. Failure is a very subjective term. Optimists see Failure as a learning opportunity and Pessimists see it as the end of life. So somewhere in between the two for most people. In any case what is does failure have to do with fear? Both begin with the same letter. And that is the only thing I find common in them. Well; maybe if your failure can cause your death and you have a fear of death then probably you can find it fearful. No?
What is your biggest cause of fear?
Fear of being forgotten? Often people have told me. They fear being forgotten disappearing into nameless domain. Forgotten.Wiped off the annals of this earth. What is there to fear? There have been 106 Billion people that are or have lived on this planet. How do you expect to be remembered? Gradually your creations will get old, your theories will become axioms, your words will sound archaic, your sound will sound ancient, your movies will become too low definition and your children's children will remember only your children. It is inevitable.
What is then the biggest fear?
Well, my biggest fear is to be remembered.
It may sound odd. But I do not say this just to say " ...Two roads diverged in a wood and I-- , I took the one less traveled by...". Nor do I wish to shock and awe. But it is because I understand the very nature of how the human mind likes to think.
We often tend to remember the bad things done by people.
We remember more bad things than good things. We remember the wrongs, the unjust and the unpleasant.
We can't help it. It's human to remember bad things. That's how we have evolved.
We cannot control this urge to focus on the negative.
I know that I am not a perfect person. As it is; I do bad and good to people.
If people do remember me they will remember me more for the bad moments and not for the good ones.
They can't help it. They can't change the source code.
My biggest fear hence, is to be remembered.
I do not want to die in a world where I am remembered.
Because mostly I will be remembered for the worse.
It is a pessimistic point of view, yes , but pretty close to the reality.
Most of the people fear death. Death; because it is the Ultimate Unknown. No - one has ever come back and told us " Hey folks. It ain't so bad. " . That is because no one has come back.
Why people fear death has always been beyond me. If in a mathematical equation one doesn't know a variable you just give it a value x and move on. Assuming of course, in course of time we will get to know what x is. Why cannot we treat our lives to be more like an unsolved equation with many variables. We will have to ignore a few to get to know others. We will have to ignore some, guess some, assume some and
outrightly reject some. In this equation put Death as x and move on.
What is then the biggest cause of fear?
Fear of failure: Some say it is the most profound fear present in most people. Failure is a very subjective term. Optimists see Failure as a learning opportunity and Pessimists see it as the end of life. So somewhere in between the two for most people. In any case what is does failure have to do with fear? Both begin with the same letter. And that is the only thing I find common in them. Well; maybe if your failure can cause your death and you have a fear of death then probably you can find it fearful. No?
What is your biggest cause of fear?
Fear of being forgotten? Often people have told me. They fear being forgotten disappearing into nameless domain. Forgotten.Wiped off the annals of this earth. What is there to fear? There have been 106 Billion people that are or have lived on this planet. How do you expect to be remembered? Gradually your creations will get old, your theories will become axioms, your words will sound archaic, your sound will sound ancient, your movies will become too low definition and your children's children will remember only your children. It is inevitable.
What is then the biggest fear?
Well, my biggest fear is to be remembered.
It may sound odd. But I do not say this just to say " ...Two roads diverged in a wood and I-- , I took the one less traveled by...". Nor do I wish to shock and awe. But it is because I understand the very nature of how the human mind likes to think.
We often tend to remember the bad things done by people.
We remember more bad things than good things. We remember the wrongs, the unjust and the unpleasant.
We can't help it. It's human to remember bad things. That's how we have evolved.
We cannot control this urge to focus on the negative.
I know that I am not a perfect person. As it is; I do bad and good to people.
If people do remember me they will remember me more for the bad moments and not for the good ones.
They can't help it. They can't change the source code.
My biggest fear hence, is to be remembered.
I do not want to die in a world where I am remembered.
Because mostly I will be remembered for the worse.
It is a pessimistic point of view, yes , but pretty close to the reality.