Rohit Kumar a 3rd Year Student of IIT KGP dies due to negligent acts of doctors at the Intsitute hospital BC Roy Technology Hospital. Please follow this link to read a comprehensive article about the Sunday the 22nd of March 2009.
I ask myself at the end of all this. What was the result?
Was the cost of Rohit's life; a resignation from a post?
Was the cost of Rohit's life; an afternoon of drama and violence?
Was the cost of Rohit's life; an Open house which still ended in a smug look on the face of our honourable Dean (Student Affairs)?
Was this the cost of Rohit's Life?
I don't give any answers, not because I don't have them but perhaps because I, like the IIT system, have perhaps grown self assured and apathetic. People don't need answers, do they dear Professors? People need hearing about action not action itself. People need media not news. People need semblance not solutions. Certainly. These are not Answers.
And that is where People are wrong, have been wrong for so much time, and for a negative person like me, People will remain so. Because that's what the authorities have known forever. We never seek answers... because we are born knowing that we will not get them. We have never question authority the way we should have. We have never bothered to ask ourselves why we never expect answers and even if we do ask ourselves... we never expect an answer to our own question.
DO YOU THINK by giving his resignation the Director has answered our queries?
DO YOU THINK promising for the better tomorrow with better health facilities is a legitimate answer?
DO YOU THINK protesting and candle light vigils will have even affected THEM even a lil' bit?
Do you want to know why I ask this question?
This is not because I have stopped trusting this system... I stopped trusting the system when on November 25th 2007 my friend Anshu Gupta was made a victim of the same system. The system that required two hours (coincidencentally) to find a means of transportation when he collapsed in the football field of the NSS camp, the system that tried to stop me from informing his father, the system that had the same smug look that I saw some days back, the system for whom that matter is still "not a big deal".
Should we resort to violence??? Traditionally we are not violent people and I have never been a supporter of violence. But yeah If it comes to self preservation perhaps even I'd resort to violent means. Because its a matter of fact. What they fear is not the media or even public outrage. What they fear is Violence. Stand outside his residence ...he does not come out. Start to overturn his car... two statements are issued in the next 15 minutes. The sad fact here being we are reduced to animalistic approach, it's like living in the jungle. But I doubt that the thick hides of the administration may be pierced by our nonviolent pleas of help.
I can draw parallels here. Not because I want to. But because I can't help but wonder If like today had the doctors of BC Roy fled in panic the day they declared Anshu dead, perhaps Rohit would've been with us today. I can't help but feel sorry for Rohit, his parents, his friends and all of us for having to live in this beutifully and carefuly structured system that is so rotten to the core that you need two hours to find humanity here. The whole system is so corrupt that you cannot even begin to do something about it.
So much bureaucracy, SO MUCH paper shuffling, So much red tape that the price of human life.... well I said it they have a price for the human life.
Don't ask me what we can do .... we are doing what we can...... we are protesting .... we are.....
Do anything you want. You will not change the system. You cannot change the system. The system is dead. And the dead never come back. Ask that to anyone that knew Rohit Kumar.
I just want to say take care of yourself. Nobody is going to help you tomorrow, even though you may shout at the top of your voice today. Don't get sick. Stay healthy. You never know when this red tape may kill us all. You never know when we will suffocate under this burden of bureaucratic papers.Save this Link. It may help you survive.
And always.... Remember Rohit. May God bless his soul. May God protect us all. Remember the guy who had to lose his life because the administration did not think it was worth anything. Remember how cheap your life is according to the officials of our college. Remember to help anyone in distress and not delay medical attention.
Remember Rohit Kumar.
Remember Rohit Kumar.
It almost always happens that people just always keep focusing on different stuff and lose the main focus....
it was a really sad incident
and what was even more sad that even though so many people were there to go to the directors house and shout and all ...
barely 10 students were there when his parents went to mednipur to take is body .... i wonder what this shows
too right.
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