Social Networking. The buzzword of today. Even this post is hypocritical in itself as Probably you will be redirected here through Twitter, Facebook, Orkut or whatever.
Trust me. I am not against social networking. Rather I spend much* time commenting on pics, lol-ing, sometimes even rofl-ing, liking, disliking, tagging, re-tagging, scrapping, poking, superpoking and watching popular videos.
(*much here means 65% of my online time.)
But there are some things which irritate me about social media networking. My friend Shrey already has said something related to twitter followers in one of his posts, but my rabble is not site specific.
Things that irritate me.
1. People who want us to join societies on facebook : Yeps. Join societies. Thats the best way to save lame puppies. Or Hate Jews.
2. People who play games via Twitter: Yes, that has started recently. Twitter-games. AAggh the Humanity!
3. People who put faces of kittens and puppies with misspelt language : I don't hate puppies/kittens. I just don't think they are worth a click.
4. Win 10000$ if you forward it to 50 people: I mean what do you do when someone sends you one of those? Also in this category send-to-50-people-or-you-will-die-last-friday and send-to-20-people-get-kissed-by-the-love-of-your-life. I mean I knew Google was a big and rich company. But how can they find the love of my life. (or kill me by some obscure cancer)
5. Sign it for a reason: Online Petitions. What does one get by appending your name to the long list of arseh***s . I mean... what happens? does this list go to the President afterwards?
I can't imagine the scene.
6. People who ping me after I have written DND : Sometimes I have even written DO NOT DISTURB and/or DISTURB AND DIE but the same thing happens in Gtalk.
X: Hi!
Me: hi
X: wassup?
Me: busy.
X: k. just wanted to say hi.
Me: k
Sent at 7:50 pm
X: so when are your holidays?
7. StumbleUpon Shit and Fall in It : Why do people add free download lists to SU? Average day looks somewhat like this.
- 60 GREAT addons for Firefox.
- Why is Firefox better than IE
- Why is Chrome better than Firefox
- Why is Safari Better than Chrome
- Why should you shift to Linux
- Why Microsoft Sucks
- Open Office Downloads
- 15 Open Source Apps you will love
8. When someone forwards a mail to 100 people and does not remove the irrelevant email ids: So then you can see the whole chain of people all around the globe who have been duped into reading the obviously useless thing that that guy/gal sent in the first place.
So yo have to scroll down for like... forever to get to the useless part. Sigh.
9. Old Hoax News: Do you remember the time that mails used to come to not go to dingy movie theaters for fear of being infected by the HIV virus. Sometimes those ancient emails find a way back to your inbox.
Tell me if you have other pet peeves of your own.
and what about the time when people keep pinging you again and again even after you have shown no interest in talking to them since.... forever.
and the stupidity when the person next door from you will be pinging you on gtalk to check if you are awake :P
great wall of friends . the number of people following XYZ on twitter as if it is dircetly propotional to his/her greatness & popularity. sick people who post their political likings, religious belief, and day to day boring chores, like eating dinner out, going for a walk etc etc.
nicely written dude.. i'm gonna post a link on my FB :P
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