Saturday, April 12, 2008

Psychology of Decision....

What is a decision?

It is the logical answer to an query put by your active mind to your passive mind...
We all experience and know that our executive and the logical parts are two almost tangibly separate parts of our nervous system. Also these two parts take input from another parts of our psych. That is Physical Input(Conditions), Mental Input(Feeling), Psychological Input(Instinct), A Random Input(Luck), and a Heuristic Input (Experience). (At this point it is wondrous indeed to see.... so many inputs all condenses to give a right decision...The brain is indeed a wondrous piece of machinery)

So... Whenever we are confronted with a situation , a very complex neurochemical process initiates.
Our body tenses up.Even if we don't know.The brain searches for previous occurrences of the incident.We try to see some sense and act on intuition and of course ....luck .... is also a random function of the brain.
The Order of Preference of this working is:- Physical,Mental,Heuristic,then Psychological and Random.

How to make the right decision?

There is no Golden rule for making good decision rather it is the very opposite of making good decision that will help you being a better decision maker. If you make bad decision the full extent of your actions are beared by you. You alone bear the full brunt of the force. So that is why we see the children who are spoon fed all there life , rarely turn out to be good decision makers in their adult life. Remember...Experiences have the 3rd most priority in your decision making...

Don't shy away from making decisions. You are merely incapabling yourself to be a better decision maker.......experiences good or bad teach you.....Rather I'd say bad experiences teach you more.....

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