Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Soul....

This Poem I wrote in two minutes when my dear friend DP Ankit and me were getting frussst in our dear HS teacher's class............ yo ..

My soul yearns to fly;
High high in the sky.

Like a kite colorful and bright,
Flowing away in the abyss of light.

Like an eagle; sharp and loud
Piercing the bosom of clouds.

Even I'd be a storm tossed leaf
Hither tither as the wind please.

But I am tethered to the ground
Just like a moss covered stone.

Just stranded never abound

How would I even love to fall
Watch my weariness fall away!!!

My feet just kissing the ground
While the world just; falls away.

My soul yearns to fly
High high in the sky.


Amie said...

nice poem........

economics class is a gud place to write....... i know it by experiences.

Unknown said...

thanks amie...but it was english class :P